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  • I-Witness
Published 21 November 2023
3-min Read

Strong and resolute as a heartbeat – how the SPF and SCDF work together to respond to a terror attack in the heart of the city!

By: Mike Tan

Police Life 112023 Exercise Heartbeat 2023 01

It’s a typical Monday morning in the heart of the city. At Millenia Singapore, a security incident has resulted in the orderly evacuation of the office towers. Suddenly, a loud boom splits the air. Confusion reigns and people run for safety. But don’t worry – first responders from the Singapore Police Force (SPF) and the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) are swiftly on the scene to secure the area and render aid.

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An attacker sets off an explosion at Millenia Singapore, prompting office workers and passersby to enact the “Run, Hide, Tell” protocol. An attacker sets off an explosion at Millenia Singapore, prompting office workers and passersby to enact the “Run, Hide, Tell” protocol.

This was the scene at Millenia Singapore on 20 November 2023. The scenario? A simulated, multi-vector terror attack in an urban centre. Welcome to Exercise Heartbeat, a counter-terrorism and emergency preparedness exercise jointly organised by the SPF, the SCDF and Pontiac Land Group.

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Security officers and office workers applying “Press, Tie, Tell” to those injured in the attacks.

We all have a part to play in preparing for a terror attack. Before the exercise, staff of Millenia Singapore had familiarised themselves with the SGSecure “Run, Hide, Tell” protocol and the “Press, Tie, Tell” series of improvised First Aid skills. Those who’d been injured in the blast are immediately attended to.

Suddenly, shots ring out. Two gunmen appear from Millenia Walk and fire indiscriminately at members of the public. But they are immediately met by In-Situ Response Team (IRT) officers who return fire and draw the attackers away from the crowd. With the support of Ground Response Force officers who’ve also arrived at the scene, the IRT officers swiftly neutralise the two gunmen.

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ERT officers taking on a gunman who’s using a member of the public as a human shield.

However, another gunman emerges, using a member of the public as a human shield. Emergency Response Team (ERT) officers respond by neutralising the gunman and bringing the shaken hostage to safety.

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ERT officers pull an attacker from his vehicle.

But that’s not the end of Police operations by any means. Close by, another threat arises when an attacker drives his car into innocent passersby. ERT officers at the scene assess the situation and take their shot, bringing the car to a screeching halt. Approaching the car with caution, the officers pull the attacker from the front seat and secure the area.

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SCDF firefighters put out the car fire with a fire blanket.

As smoke emerges from the car, the officers also quickly evacuate people from the immediate area to ensure their safety. With the car engulfed in flames, SCDF firefighters deploy a fire blanket to extinguish the fire.

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Officer providing security cover for SCDF lifesavers engaged in rescue operations.

Once the immediate security threats have been neutralised, Police officers establish a perimeter and remain vigilant for further threats. They also assist SCDF lifesavers in joint rescue operations by providing security cover. 

Soon, all the casualties have been brought out to the first aid point and attended to by SCDF paramedics, capping a successful Home-Team-wide effort by all the officers. 

Exercise Heartbeat is just one of the ways that the Home Team partners the community to enhance community preparedness in dealing with a terror attack. “The threat of terrorism is ever-present and should never be taken lightly,” explained Assistant Commissioner of Police Jeremy Ang, Commander of Central Police Division. “We do these ground deployment exercises in actual terrain and run through them many times so that our Home Team first responders and stakeholders understand each other’s roles, know what we each must do, build terrain familiarity and ensure that the collective response is well-coordinated.”

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