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  • I-Witness
Published 01 September 2022
2-min Read

Saluting our dedicated officers on the ground!

By: Kamal Hakim

Police Life 092022 My Duty My Calling 01

Sgt Celine Neo

Being an Emergency Response Team (ERT) officer at Bedok Police Division has been a childhood dream come true for me. I enjoy the tactical trainings, I like my job, and every day brings about something new. This is probably why I like to stay active during my off-days as well.

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SGT Neo is an ERT officer.

I first signed up for the MyResponder app back in 2017, which alerts members of the public to nearby emergency cases. Being a police officer, I am trained in CPR. I thought to myself - why not put these skills to good use? Thus far, I’ve been activated seven times via the app to cases where someone in my vicinity needed assistance.

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Activated via the MyResponder app.

The first time I got activated was in 2020. I was at home when the alert of a ‘Suspected Cardiac Arrest’ popped up stating that someone in the neighbouring condo unit needed assistance. I quickly rushed over and sought the help of the security guard to bring me up to the unit. We found an elderly man who had collapsed between some furniture. I had to think quick on my feet. We repositioned the man and I asked the security guard to assist me with the AED as I conducted CPR. Fortunately, the paramedics soon arrived and conveyed him to the hospital.

The most recent incident happened earlier in April this year. Since this wasn’t my first activation, I already had a personal ‘process’ set in place to ensure I was fully prepared to assist when on the scene: (i) receive the alert, (ii) check for the nearest AED then (iii) head to the location. When I arrived, a crowd of onlookers had already formed. I saw a lady attempting to do CPR on an elderly man with the assistance of an SCDF operator on the phone. I quickly took over from the lady until paramedics arrived. I then found out that the elderly man’s bicycle was still at the scene. With the help of a neighbour, we returned the bicycle to his unit where we also informed his daughter on what had happened.

I was subsequently presented the Community First Responder Award. Although it’s a nice feeling to be appreciated, it’s not about the awards. Ultimately, what drives me is the ability to make a difference in someone’s life.

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SGT Neo presented with the Community First Responder Award by SCDF.

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