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  • I-Witness
Published 05 September 2022
3-min Read

Getting ready for the biggest parade of the year!

By: Domnic Dass

Every year, the Singapore Police Force (SPF) is represented at the National Day Parade (NDP) by the SPF Guard of Honour and SPF Marching contingents. We speak to two officers who ensure that our SPF Contingents are ready for the big day!

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Inspector Abdul Majid Salim Bin Selamat. PHOTOS: SPF

Inspector Abdul Majid Salim Bin Selamat

Field Instructor, TRACOM; Chief Trainer of the SPF Marching Contingent

When did you join the SPF?

I joined in 1992 as a Full-time Police National Service (PNSF) officer and was posted to the Police Task Force of the Special Operations Command (SOC). I subsequently signed on as a regular officer in 1994. After several postings within SOC, I joined Training Command (TRACOM) in 2007.

Tell us more about your current role in TRACOM.

I’m a Senior Field Instructor and subject matter expert in drills, parades and ceremonies. I’m also the Squad Field Instructor for Senior Officer Trainees as well as a Team Leader in the Field Training Wing.

Share with us about your responsibilities for this year’s NDP.

I’m the Chief Trainer for the SPF Row A Marching Contingent. I’ve been involved in NDP training for the past 15 years. As a trainer, I always emphasise a high standard of arms drills for the trainees so that they can display their best effort during rehearsals and especially at the actual NDP. My expectation is that the trainees will perform well and also gain invaluable experience and memories. It’s not an experience that many people get to have.

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The SPF Marching Contingent.

What’s your most memorable experience in the NDP?

Of course, it was my first NDP in 2007. Not only was I the trainer, but I was also the right marker in the SPF Guard of Honour contingent. It was a dream come true for me as I’d wanted to march in the NDP ever since I was in the National Cadet Corps back in secondary school.

Describe your feeling at seeing your trainees at the NDP!

I always get a bit nervous for them, but I’m confident that they’ll deliver. I feel proud of them when they’re marching. This year’s NDP was a great one for the SPF Marching Contingent, and they did the SPF proud. Majulah!

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Station Inspector Muhammad Ridzuan Bin Zakariah.

Station Inspector Muhammad Ridzuan Bin Zakariah

Field Instructor, TRACOM; Chief Trainer of the SPF Guard of Honour Contingent

When did you join the SPF?

I enlisted as a PNSF officer in January 1994 and subsequently signed on as a regular officer. I wasthen posted to various divisional posts before joiningTRACOM in 2004.

Tell us more about your current role in TRACOM.

I’m currently a Field Instructor at TRACOM. My role is to train SPF Officer Cadet Trainees in drills and physical training. I’m also responsible for their discipline, turnout and bearing.

Share with us about your responsibilities for this year’s NDP.

I’m the Chief Trainer for the SPF Guard of Honour Contingent. My role is to train the contingent on the arms drill with the SAR21 rifle and ensure that the contingent executes the commands correctly when directed by the Parade Commander.

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The SPF Guard of Honour Contingent.

How did you first take on this role?

When I was posted to TRACOM, I was assigned to take charge of a National Service squad. Due to my passion for drills, I was nominated by my supervisor to be one of the drill instructors for the SPF NDP squad.

In 2005, I trained my first cohort, which comprised officers from the Key Installation Protection Unit, now known as the Protective Security Command. I still remember our officers forming Row A of the Marching Contingent in the 2005 NDP. It was a proud moment for me.

What are your values and expectations when it comes to trainees?

I expect the trainees to show commitment and discipline. As for myself, before every training session, I’ll check that all the officers have had enough rest and drunk at least 500ml of water. During training, I’m always on the lookout for the officers.

How do you feel when you see the trainees finally marching out at the NDP?

Every year before they march out, I tell the contingent how proud I am of them and their efforts and tell them to give their best performance for the NDP. This year, after two years of scaled-down celebrations due to COVID-19, the atmosphere felt great; and overwhelming. It was good to see spectators again, and that helped to motivate the officers too.

What’s one message you’d like to share with the SPF and Singapore?

Every new day is a learning opportunity. Keep on learning so that we can become better.

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