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  • I-Witness
Published 16 February 2024
3-min Read
Police Life 022024 ProCom NS Rise to the Challenge in Exercise Fortress Major 01
ProCom PNSmen mobilised for Exercise Fortress Major. PHOTOS: SPF

ProCom PNSmen demonstrate unwavering commitment in the recent Open Mobilisation Exercise lasting 50 hours, reaffirming their dedication to safeguarding the nation in times of crisis!

By: SPF Insider

Resilience and readiness were the order of the day, as over 80 Police National Servicemen (PNSmen) from the Protective Security Command (ProCom) recently underwent Exercise Fortress Major, a national emergency simulation to test their operational readiness and logistical support plans. The PNSmen were recalled through the Open Mobilisation Exercise and deployed to protect identified Critical Physical Infrastructures (CPIs).

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Troopers preparing their weapons upon being recalled to ProCom base.

A Major Exercise
Unlike previous exercises which were minor in scale, Exercise Fortress Major was a greater test of determination, lasting almost 50 hours and requiring the simultaneous protection of multiple CPIs. This realistic scenario not only put the ProCom PNSmen to the test but also involved stakeholders from the CPIs, further enhancing the exercise's authenticity and providing invaluable support to the officers during their operations.

It All Starts from Mobilisation
The reporting and equipping stations were systematic and efficient, ensuring a smooth mobilisation process for the troopers, due to previous exercises conducted in 2023. The morale of the officers was high as they were briefed on their operational tasking to protect three CPIs, demonstrating their unwavering drive to achieve mission success.

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Officers manning the Command Post.

Communication and Coordination
During a national emergency, effective communication and coordination is critical. To enhance the exercise’s realism, a Divisional Command Post was set up, enabling the validation of coordination between the Divisional Headquarters and the ground troopers.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (Operations) Liam Ghim Hua commended the officers on their hard work and dedication in serving the nation and urged the officers to continue to stay vigilant and resilient.

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One of the exercise scenarios to secure a critical physical infrastructure from threats.

Exercise Scenarios
Throughout the period of exercise, the troopers were exposed to a myriad of injects, ranging from a suspicious vehicle sighting to person-borne improvised explosive devices, red-herrings and even a chemical agent attack. The troopers were quick and decisive in repelling these threats, ensuring that the safety and security of the CPIs. After each inject, the Exercise evaluators (comprising NSmen and Regulars) provided a quick debrief based on the troopers’ actions.

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Exercise evaluators going through key learning points with troopers after a simulation.

The exercise concluded over 45 hours later with an After-Action Review, providing valuable insights into the areas of success and improvement. It was evident that Exercise Fortress Major could not have been completed successfully without the dedication of the officers behind the scenes, from planning to logistical support, and the commitment of the ProCom PNSmen who worked tirelessly to protect the CPIs.

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Post exercise photo with Commander ProCom Assistant Commissioner of Police Sherrin Chua (front row in black).

The validation efforts of exercises like Exercise Fortress Major are crucial in ensuring the readiness of operational and support plans, as well as the competencies of ProCom officers, reaffirming that ProCom is ever ready to Protect and Prevail.

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