- Commercial Crimes
- Youth-Centric Advisories
- Dishonest Misappropriation Of Property
- Cybercrime
- Family Violence
- Housebreaking
- Theft In Dwelling
- Motor Vehicle Theft
- Outrage of Modesty
- CDSA and CMA Bill Amendments
- Misuse of SIM Card Offences
- Sexual Crime
- Voyeurism
- Snatch Theft
- Scams
- Theft Of Bicycle and Personal Mobility Devices
- Unlicensed Moneylending
- Crime Prevention Posters
- Traffic
- Airport Security
- Online Criminal Harms Act
- Infrastructure Protection
- Security Outcome-Based Contracting
- Crime
- Commercial Crimes
- Youth-Centric Advisories
- Dishonest Misappropriation Of Property
- Cybercrime
- Family Violence
- Housebreaking
- Theft In Dwelling
- Motor Vehicle Theft
- Outrage of Modesty
- CDSA and CMA Bill Amendments
- Misuse of SIM Card Offences
- Sexual Crime
- Voyeurism
- Snatch Theft
- Scams
- Theft Of Bicycle and Personal Mobility Devices
- Unlicensed Moneylending
- Crime Prevention Posters
- Traffic
- Traffic Matters
- Road Safety Tips
- Road Safety Campaigns
- Road Safety Challenge
- Airport Security
- Known Consignor Regime
- Regulated Air Cargo Agent Regime
- Online Criminal Harms Act
- Introduction to OCHA
- Application for Reconsideration
- Appeal to Reviewing Tribunal
- Codes of Practice
- Appeal to Minister
- Infrastructure Protection
- Infrastructure Protection Act
- Protected Areas and Protected Places
- Special Developments / Special Infrastructures
- Building Security
- Security Outcome-Based Contracting
- Security Outcome-Based Contracting
As part of Traffic Police’s ongoing efforts to enhance our services, promote continuous learning and to make learning content more accessible online to members of public, .pdf versions of the Basic and Final Driving, and Riding Theory Handbooks are now downloadable for free in 4 languages (English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil) on this portal.
As we continue to develop this portal, new learning content will be added when available.
The animated videos aim to raise motorists’ awareness of the most common causes of road traffic accidents and what they can do to avoid them.
Failing to Keep a Proper Lookout
This video is to educate motorists to keep a proper look out for other road users when driving/riding. Motorists are reminded to check right, left and right again for vehicles as well as for other road users before accelerating.
Disobeying Traffic Light Signals Resulting in Accidents with Vehicle
This video is to educate motorists to not beat the red light. Motorists are reminded to slow down when approaching signalised junctions and be prepared to stop at amber.
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
This video is to educate motorists to not drink and drive. Instead of driving, members of the public are strongly encouraged to take alternative forms of transport or engage valet services to get to their destinations.
Failing to Give Way to Traffic with Right of Way
This video is to educate motorists to give way to traffic with right of way. Motorists are also reminded to exercise caution and slow down when needed so that there is enough reaction time in order to avoid potential accidents.
Turning Vehicle Failing to Give Way to Pedestrians When The Green Man is On
This video is to educate motorists to give way to pedestrians crossing when the Green Man is on. Motorists are reminded to stay within the turning pocket until the pedestrian crossing is clear as well as look out for oncoming traffic before making a turn.
Failing to Have Proper Control
This video is to educate motorists to have proper control of their vehicle when driving/riding. Motorists are reminded to always slow down when approaching or driving/riding along bends, slippery surfaces and poor visibility. Travel at a lower speed or switch to a lower gear if needed to maintain control of the vehicle.
Changing Lanes without Due Care
This video is to educate motorists to change lanes with due care. Motorists are reminded to always signal in advance, check mirrors and blind spots before changing lanes and to plan their routes early to avoid abrupt lane changing behavior.
Turning Without Due Care
This video is to educate motorists to exercise care when making a turn. Motorists are reminded to signal early, slow down and stop to give way to other road users and only proceed to make a turn only after ensuring that it is clear to do so.
Following too Close to Vehicle in Front(Tailgating)
This video is to educate motorists not to tailgate while driving. Motorists are reminded to always maintain a safe following distance with the vehicle in front, watch for the brake lights of the vehicle in front or traffic ahead and be mindful of the braking distance.
Overtaking Without Due Care
This video is to educate motorists to exercise care when overtaking. Motorists are reminded to slow down when the vehicle in front signals to turn, and only proceed to change lanes after signaling and ensure that the road is clear. Do not attempt to overtake if it puts yourself and other road users in danger.
Basic Driving Theory Handbook |
Available Languages |
Final Driving Theory Handbook |
Available Languages |
Riding Theory Handbook |
Available Languages |
Mandarin | |
Malay | |
Tamil |
The materials are not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the Traffic Police.
Individuals can practise the Basic / Final / Riding Theory Tests for free. They are available in English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil.
Proceed to the Mock Theory Test.